Benefits of a Dry January
Working on anything for 31 consecutive days is a game-changer.

Greetings from Martinez, California, where I’m serving jury duty. There are long periods of sitting and waiting, but I’m able to read and write, so why not write to you?
Today ends a dry January, where I’ve gone 31 consecutive days without alcohol. It’s the first time I’ve done that in over 35 years. I’m not a big drinker per se, but I drink frequently enough to consider a sober month.
Pun intended, the jury is in:
Dry January was a game-changer. I loved it.
Benefits galore, including:
• Higher energy levels that are sustained throughout the day - the parachute that often drags behind me has vanished
• Full nights of sleep, straight through, from the 10pm hour to the 6am hour
• More water intake, which informs the two previous points, and then some
• Consistent exercise, with a regimen of 100 push-ups a day, gym visits 4x a week, and frequent 3-5 mile runs
• Clear thoughts and intentional actions
While I don’t intend to quit drinking altogether, I will significantly decrease the volume and frequency. Without question, more dry months are ahead.
Feeling like this is too good and I’m not taking it for granted. If it’s on your mind, then a dry January - or dry any time, for that matter - is highly recommended.
Working on anything for 31 days is a game-changer.
Enjoy your February. Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor (Rumi) and make a positive impact on someone’s life today. Â
When you – uh oh – they're calling my jury duty group number. See ya! 🙂