7 Tips For New Hires
Did you recently start a new job? These 7 tips might help you make an impact.

Seven people get hired every minute. That’s over 10,000 hires a day!
But some hit Day 1 with no plan to win, serve, drive growth, or to make an impact.
Did you recently start a new job?
Then let’s make sure this isn’t you.
Whether you’ve already started or are set to begin on the first of the month, become indispensable.
These tips (and links) might help:
1 - Begin with the end in mind
Stephen Covey’s 2nd Habit. Chess grandmaster Judit Polgár doesn’t move pieces at random; instead, she thinks five moves ahead to achieve checkmate. Also, work isn’t “What am I doing?” but “Who am I becoming?” Self-assess along the way.
2 - Contribute more than you consume
The First 90 Days urges readers to reach “the break-even point,” where value contributed meets and exceeds value consumed. Learn about your company’s history, customers’ problems, and all the stakeholders, but then play your part.
3 - Connect the dots
Business Made Simple compares companies to airplanes. Each function, or “part,” from leadership and sales, to finance and marketing, to product and people, works in harmony to create lift. Figure out how they’re connected and how the plane flies.
4 - Be resourceful
“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” Before escalating a problem to leadership, be the leader and find two potential solutions. Apply critical thinking from The Pyramid Principle or creative plays from Thinkertoys to identify the root cause and get the answer.
5 - Remember, success is sequential
Go from A to B, not A to Z. The ONE Thing illustrates this with a 2” domino that can topple another 1.5x its size. In a chain growing at that rate, the 57th domino could reach from Earth to the moon. Start small.
6 - Communicate well (and often)
Writer Jeff Goins said “When attention is sparse, the people with the fewest, most important words win.” Write, speak, and listen well. A weekly update to key figures can keep everyone aligned. And when the moment calls for it, pipe up.
7 - Develop an attitude of gratitude
“Think of the people who’ve helped you become who you are. Those who’ve cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life. Whomever you’ve been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made.” - Fred Rogers
Your first 90 days are critical.
They set the tone for your entire journey.
Make them count by:
- Building meaningful relationships
- Being intentional with your time
- Staying humble and hungry
Small things you do consistently become big things people remember. Your work ethic speaks before you do.
"Seven people get hired every minute." Social Shepherd