16 Examples of High Standards

"Preach at all times, and when necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi

New leaders often get advice to "raise standards."

But how to do that isn't always clear.

One way to start is to zoom out.
Look beyond your industry.

  1. US Military
    USN SEAL Ethos
    DoD Core Values

  2. Hospitality
    Ritz-Carlton 12 Service Values
    Four Seasons Service Culture

  3. Sports
    Wooden on Leadership
    The Score Takes Care of Itself

  4. Business
    Amazon Leadership Principles
    Jim Casey's "Our Partnership Legacy"

  5. Finance
    J.P. Morgan Code of Conduct
    Goldman Sachs Business Principles

  6. Manufacturing
    Toyota Production System (TPS)
    Lean Six Sigma

  7. Public Service
    Firefighter Code of Ethics
    Law Enforcement Oath of Honor

  8. Arts & Entertainment
    Pixar 22 Rules of Storytelling
    National Theatre Standards

And many more...

There are proven ways of doing it right.
Tried and true philosophies and approaches.

Whomever you choose to model, illustrate high standards in every action.
We get what we tolerate, so set the example.